Becoming a Missionary

My beloved brethren, you and I, today and always, are to bless all peoples in all the nations of the earth. You and I, today and always, are to bear witness of Jesus Christ and declare the message of the Restoration. You and I, today and always, are to invite all to receive the ordinances of salvation. Proclaiming the gospel is not a part-time priesthood obligation. It is not simply an activity in which we engage for a limited time or an assignment we must complete as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Rather, missionary work is a manifestation of our spiritual identity and heritage. We were foreordained in the premortal existence and born into mortality to fulfill the covenant and promise God made to Abraham. We are here upon the earth at this time to magnify the priesthood and to preach the gospel. That is who we are, and that is why we are here--today and always.
- by Elder David A. Bednar
From The Ensign, Nov. 2005, Page 47

Monday, October 29, 2012

Parable of the 10 Virgins

Whats up? So, nothing crazy or big happened this week, but I do have a few thoughts to share with you!

I was studying this talk that was given in the most recent General Conference; titled Converted Unto The Lord. I really enjoyed this talk and I would encourage all to go and read or watch it for themselves.  But, I  wanted to share a few thoughts that I had about this talk.

Towards the end of the talk, David A. Bednar breaks down the Parable of the 10 Virgins:

I now want to use one of many possible interpretations of the parable of the ten virgins to highlight the relationship between testimony and conversion. Ten virgins, five who were wise and five who were foolish, took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Please think of the lamps used by the virgins as the lamps of testimony. The foolish virgins took their lamps of testimony but took no oil with them. Consider the oil to be the oil of conversion.

“But the wise took oil [of conversion] in their vessels with their lamps [of testimony].

“While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

“And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

“Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps [of testimony].

“And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil [even the oil of conversion]; for our lamps [of testimony are weak and] are gone out.

“But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves” (Matthew 25:4–9).

Were the five wise virgins selfish and unwilling to share, or were they indicating correctly that the oil of conversion cannot be borrowed? Can the spiritual strength that results from consistent obedience to the commandments be given to another person? Can the knowledge obtained through diligent study and pondering of the scriptures be conveyed to one who is in need? Can the peace the gospel brings to a faithful Latter-day Saint be transferred to an individual experiencing adversity or great challenge? The clear answer to each of these questions is no.

As the wise virgins emphasized properly, each of us must “buy for ourselves.” These inspired women were not describing a business transaction; rather, they were emphasizing our individual responsibility to keep our lamp of testimony burning and to obtain an ample supply of the oil of conversion. This precious oil is acquired one drop at a time—“line upon line [and] precept upon precept” (2 Nephi 28:30), patiently and persistently. No shortcut is available; no last-minute flurry of preparation is possible.

“Wherefore, be faithful, praying always, having your lamps trimmed and burning, and oil with you, that you may be ready at the coming of the Bridegroom” (D&C 33:17).

I promise that as we come to a knowledge of the truth and are converted unto the Lord, we will remain firm and steadfast and never fall away. Eagerly we will set aside our weapons of rebellion. We will be blessed with bright light from our lamps of testimony and an ample supply of the oil of conversion. And as each of us becomes more fully converted, we will strengthen our families, our friends, and our associates. Of these truths I testify in the sacred name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

As I read and pondered on this talk I realized that none of us can share our Oil of Conversion with anyone. As I have gone about my mission and have gone through trials and struggles, "special assignments", leadership, lame companions, etc. I've wondered, "Why did the Lord, put this burden before me, What did I do to deserve this?"

Now can take a look back and see where I started and look at what I have become today, they were all blessing that the Lord gave me! I would not be who I am today if it weren't for those things.

So, as I continue to be strong in the faith and rely upon the Lord and be an example, I will be able to become more fully converted, and will strengthen my family, friends, and associates.

I cannot share the conversion that I have received,  but I can share my testimony.  I can shed a little light on those who have allowed their testimony to dwindle away. And, as I continue to allow my conversion/testimony to grow brighter and brighter the better help I can be to others.

I hope you see how that kinda goes together. It sounds a bit better in my head, unfortunately, I'm mortal and cannot think as clearly as I would like.

In conclusion, I want to share my testimony.

I know that God loves us! I know that Jesus is the Christ, I know that the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's church that has been brought back and restored today through the prophet Joseph Smith and I know that we have men on the earth today who are called of God and continue to reveal his truths.

I love you and I'm so thankful for all the things I have learned and can share with you.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

- Elder McNew

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